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Benefits of Sleep Dentistry For Kids

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

The Many Benefits of Sleep Dentistry For kids

The advantages of pediatric sedation dentistry allow a youngster who is unable or terrified to get dental treatment. Sedation allows your little ones to get the care they need without fear, stress, anxiety, or discomfort. While our pediatric dentist Murray Utah provides an exceptionally child-friendly environment, there are occasions when dental sedation may be the ideal option. This is to provide your child with the most comfortable experience possible. Because there are several levels of pediatric sedation services, your kids dentist near me can use sedation for various types of dental treatment safely and effectively.

What Are The Benefits of Sleep Dentistry?

By relaxing and calming your child, it is possible to overcome or avoid dental anxieties. Below, our pediatric dentist near me shares the benefits. 

  • Improved treatment quality (especially for children who have difficulty sitting still).
  • Ability to execute more treatments in less time at a lower cost.
  • Allows individuals with specific needs and certain medical problems to receive comprehensive care.
  • There is little to no recollection of the treatment.

Overcoming/Avoiding Childhood Dental Phobias

If your child is afraid about undergoing a dental operation, they are not alone. In fact, up to 75% of adults suffer mild to severe anxiety about dental checkups. Some even avoid it entirely. 

One of the most significant advantages of sedation dentistry is that it relaxes and soothes the patient. A youngster who feels relaxed rather than afraid during a dental procedure will generally have little to no anxiety at subsequent visits and will be significantly less likely to develop a lifetime dental phobia, which can have severe ramifications for their dental health as an adult. According to research, adults with dental phobias frequently miss having regular dental checkups and suffer from much more tooth problems as a result of needlessly avoiding the dentist.

Sedation Dentistry Improves Treatment Quality

Aside from the psychological benefits, the patient’s tranquility during dental sedation allows your pediatric dentist SLC to complete the dental procedure without interruption or resistance. Some youngsters may move or pull back reflexively during certain phases of treatment, causing delays in the operation. In addition, sitting still for an extended period of time is quite challenging for some young children. While your dentist is used to such movements, dental anesthesia allows the treatment to be finished swiftly, efficiently, and without interruption.

“Sleep dentistry is a wonderful option for kids with gag reflexes, dental anxiety, or any type of special needs. At Kaleidoscope, we are proud to offer a multitude of sleep dentistry options for kids.” – Dr. Ari Hobfoll, Pediatric Dentist SLC

Sleep Dentistry Helps With Gag Reflexes

Sedation dentistry can help children with sensitive gag reflexes reduce the sensation of choking or the need to vomit. Also, controlling the gag reflex makes it more comfortable for kids. Additionally, it allows your pediatric dentist to conduct your child’s operation more efficiently and safely.

Sedation Dentistry Allows More Treatment in Less

Allowing the dentist to work longer without the patient feeling uncomfortable. It is not uncommon for a child’s dental treatment to require more than one procedure as a result of:

  • Patient tolerance level Treatment duration
  • Patient anxiety
  • The inability of a child to keep their lips open comfortably
  • Your dentist can perform numerous treatments in one appointment with mild (conscious) sedation or deep IV sedation, and your child will feel as though little time has gone, with no pain, discomfort, or fear.

Dental Sedation at a Low Cost

Dr. Neda, sedation dentistry Georgetown KY, explains that your dentist can complete your child’s treatment in fewer appointments, you save money. While a patient’s insurance provider does not usually reimburse dental sedation, it can still save money in the long run because lengthy treatments can be completed in a single dental session rather than numerous appointments.

Minimal sedation is relatively inexpensive for children undergoing less complex procedures, and the benefits usually surpass any increased expenditures. If your child is nervous about their impending dentist appointment, please inquire about our pediatric sedation options.

Special Needs and Medically Compromised Children’s Dental Sedation

Due to emotional, physical, or behavioral issues. Dental sedation is appropriate for children with special needs because it allows the operation to be completed more quickly and comfortably for the patient.

Contact Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry Today For Sedation Dentistry

ur loving and accepting environment. At each session, our Murray UT Pediatric Dentist combines the pleasure and simplicity of gentle pediatric dentistry with the most sophisticated dental treatments available. If you are interested in using dental sedation for your child’s next dental treatment, or if you want to find out if your child would benefit from sedation dentistry, please contact our practice.

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