How to Choose a Toothbrush For Your Child

Pediatric dental care team at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry, Taylorsville.

How to Choose a Toothbrush For Your Child

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

Choosing a Child's Toothbrush

Friendly pediatric dentist with child patient in Sandy, UT near me.

At Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry, we love helping parents make the best decisions for their little ones. We pride ourselves on parents and patient education. In fact, one of our most frequently asked questions is how to choose a toothbrush for your child. With so many options on the market, it can be a challenge.

If you’ve ever been to your local grocery store’s dental area, you’ll understand what we’re talking about. There are brushes with varying lengths of bristles, brushes that massage your gums, and brushes that change color when used. In addition, there are brushes that play songs, brushes that light up, and more.

Options to Consider When Picking a Toothbrush

Toothbrush Size

When choosing a toothbrush for a child, ensure it fits comfortably in their hand. If the size and angle are uncomfortable, the youngster will be less inclined to use it long enough to clean all mouthparts. Our dentist for kids in Salt Lake City shares that small, age-appropriate toothbrushes work the best in little mouths to get into tight spaces. If you are doubtful, consult with your kids dentist.

Soft Bristles or Firm Bristles?

The hardness of the bristles is a critical consideration. Stiff bristles may be more effective for cleaning charred meat from a grill or hard water deposits from a shower floor-  your teeth! Our friend Dr. Boals, shares that brushes with medium or hard bristles might cause gum injury.

The bristles of soft and extra-soft toothbrushes are firm enough to provide a deep clean and remove plaque, food particles, and surface stains from your teeth. Soft bristles are also more adaptable for reaching and can reach all the nooks and crevices. So, make sure to always look for a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Electric Toothbrush or Manual Brush?

Kids’ toothbrushes come in both electric and manual options. When deciding which one is best, it will largely depend on your child’s preferences. Research shows that an electric toothbrush with a small brush head does clean teeth better than a manual toothbrush. That being said, the BEST toothbrush for your kids is the one they want to brush with. Dr. Ari brushes with a manual toothbrush some days, and an electric one on other days, depending on how he feels. An electric toothbrush is not a replacement for good brushing technique and habits.

Toothbrushes for Different Age Groups

Pediatric dental care team at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry, Taylorsville.

Toothbrushes for Babies

Oral-B Pro-Health Stages Toothbrush (Ages 0-2)

This brush has a rubber grip handle which allows for easy brushing for parents. The handle also allows for your child to eventually begin to use the brush themselves. It has ultra-soft bristles that are perfect for your baby’s tender gums.

Toothbrushes for Toddlers

Colgate My First Toothbrush

This toothbrush is perfectly sized for toddlers and has an easy grip handle so your child can start to learn how to brush their teeth on their own. It features soft bristles that are gentle yet still effective at cleaning your toddler’s teeth.

Colgate Kids Battery Toothbrush

If your toddler prefers an electric toothbrush, the Colgate Kids Battery Toothbrush is a great way to get them starting to learn how to brush their teeth. These brushes are available in multiple different colors and feature popular cartoon characters. It also has a timer that will help to encourage your toddler to begin the habit of brushing for two minutes.

Toothbrushes for Kids

Oral-B Kids Electric Tooth Brush 

The Oral-B Kids Electric Tooth Brush is a great option for kids. It has a small circular head like the cleaning tools you would see at the dentist. It is also available in lots of fun themes and colors.


Get Your Child Involved

We want your child to be excited about their oral health. Dr. Hobfoll, the best pediatric dentist in SLC, shares that letting your child pick out their toothbrush is a great idea. Having a toothbrush that plays their favorite song, is their favorite color, or is an excellent, funky shape, is an easy way to get your kiddo excited to brush.

“Our team at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry will do everything possible to avoid cavities with frequent cleanings and examinations. We are highly qualified to provide your children with high-quality, cutting-edge dental treatment while developing excellent dental habits that they can carry with them at home.” – Dr. Ari Hobfoll

What About Flossing?

Maintaining good oral hygiene in children is crucial for their overall health, and this includes both brushing and flossing. While it’s beneficial for kids to start practicing these habits early on, it’s important for parents or caregivers to actively assist with brushing and flossing until children develop the necessary dexterity. Typically, this level of manual dexterity is similar to the skill required to tie shoelaces quickly and efficiently, which usually occurs around the age of 7.

Until then, children might not have the fine motor skills needed to thoroughly clean between their teeth and along the gumline. By taking an active role in their dental care routine, you can ensure that their teeth and gums remain healthy, preventing cavities and gum disease. Encouraging your child to practice alongside you can also help them learn the correct techniques and build good habits for the future.

Plan A Dental Cleaning For Your Child

how to choose the right pediatric dentist

Are your child’s toothbrush and brushing methods effective? We can help you find out. Our exceptional dental hygienists at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry teach our patients of all ages to correct brushing practices.

Cavities can emerge when your child’s teeth are exposed to sugary or carbohydrate-containing meals. Sugars and carbs can build upon and around your child’s teeth after they eat, causing plaque to form on the enamel. As a result, your children may develop cavities. Fortunately, we specialize in Children’s Cavity Prevention.  In addition, we will work hard to instill a passion for brushing and flossing in your child, resulting in better checkups and fewer cavities. Contact Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry today to learn more!

Tooth Friendly Snacks

Pediatric dentist treating a young patient in Midvale, UT near me.

Tooth Friendly Snacks

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

Tooth friendly snacks
for your kiddo

Kids love to snack, and snacks can be an important part of your child’s development. However, it can be difficult to determine what snacks are best and what snacks could have negative effects on their dental health.

Today on the blog Dr. Ari shares teeth-healthy snacks for your kids, the importance of healthy snacks for dental and overall health, and some other helpful tips.

Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas

There are lots of ways to spice up healthy foods to make them more enticing for kids. Here are some ideas for teeth-healthy snacks:

Fruit Kebabs

Skewer pieces of various fruits like grapes, strawberries, and melons. It’s fun to eat and full of vitamins.

Veggie Sticks with Hummus

Slice carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers into sticks and serve with a side of hummus for dipping.

Yogurt and Berries

Mix fresh berries into plain yogurt. For added flavor, you can drizzle a little honey on top.


Cheese is a great snack and has protective qualities for your teeth

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

Cut apples into slices and serve with a side of peanut butter for dipping. It’s a great combination of sweet and savory.

Frozen Yogurt Drops

Drop small spoonfuls of yogurt onto a baking sheet and freeze. They turn into bite-sized frozen yogurt treats.

Rice Cakes with Avocado or Cottage Cheese

Spread avocado or cottage cheese on rice cakes and sprinkle a little salt for a healthy and satisfying snack.

Frozen Banana Pops

Dip bananas in yogurt, roll them in granola or nuts, and then freeze them for a cool treat.


Blend together a mix of fruits like bananas, berries, and spinach with yogurt or almond milk for a nutritious smoothie. You could also add cocoa powder to make it a “milkshake.”

Smart Snacking

Another important topic to discuss when learning about the best snacks for kids is the idea of smart snacking. Smart snacking entails both strategic snack-time planning and the selection of certain foods. Both can help to reduce the likelihood of tooth decay.

Bacteria that cause cavities in your teeth, feed on every carbohydrate source we consume, including sugar, bread, potatoes, rice, crackers, chips, pretzels, candies, fruit snacks, juice, and so on. Bacteria consume carbs and turn them into acid. This acid can cause cavities.

When we eat we stimulate saliva production which helps to neutralize the acid’s effects. However, if children nibble throughout the day, the constant acid production overwhelms the saliva’s ability to buffer or neutralize the acid, increasing the likelihood of cavities developing.

Snacking windows should be set to the mid-morning and mid-afternoon in between meals. These snacks should include two or more food groups. An easy way to do this is to include a fruit or vegetable, along with protein or a healthy fat. Your protein and fat could be cheese, avocado, yogurt, beans, etc. You can also include healthy carbs in the form of whole-grain crackers, pita, toast etc. Try to stay away from snacks that stick in your teeth like chips and other simple carbohydrates.

Why Are Healthy Snacks Important for Kids?

Preventing Tooth Decay

Many healthy snacks, especially whole foods like fruits and vegetables, contain less sugar compared to processed snacks. Lower sugar intake is crucial because sugar is a primary food source for the bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay. These bacteria produce acids as they digest sugar, which can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

Nutrition and Development

Children are in a crucial stage of growth and development, so they need a steady supply of nutrients to support this process. Healthy snacks, particularly those low in sugar and acid, can reduce the risk of tooth decay and promote stronger, more healthy teeth. Healthy foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are vital for their physical, cognitive, and oral development.

Energy and Focus

Kids are usually very active and burn a lot of energy throughout the day. Healthy snacks can provide a much-needed energy boost between meals to maintain their concentration in school and during other activities.

Healthy Eating Habits

Introducing healthy snacks at a young age helps establish good eating habits. Children who are accustomed to eating fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options are more likely to continue these habits into adulthood.

Encouraging Good Hydration

Healthy snacking often goes hand-in-hand with good hydration practices. Water helps rinse away food particles and dilutes the acids produced by oral bacteria, further protecting your child’s teeth from decay.

Physical Cleaning of Teeth

Certain snacks, like crunchy vegetables and fruits (e.g., apples, carrots, celery), have a natural abrasive quality that can help clean the surfaces of your kid’s teeth, removing plaque, food particles and promoting healthy teeth.

What Else Should You Think About When Arranging Snacks?

Healthy Snacks And Kids Dental Health

Granola and trail mix are classified differently from candy bars and sticky dried fruit treats but can stick to teeth just as easily. Don’t be fooled by marketing, a granola bar is a candy bar in disguise.

Juice, sports drinks, and soda should be consumed in moderation, if at all. Anything other than water (including milk) contains sugars and can cause cavities. If children consume beverages other than water, they should adhere to the same guidelines as snack food; drink in one sitting and limit the number of drinks consumed. White milk is fine at meal and snack times but should not be consumed throughout the day, especially in a bottle or sippy cup.

“Limiting chewy and sticky foods can help with your child’s oral health. These foods can become lodged in the grooves of the back teeth and remain there for extended periods, increasing the risk of cavities.” – Dr. Hobfoll, kids dentist in Murray Utah

Contact Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry Today

If you are looking for a pediatric dentist in Salt Lake City, contact us at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry today! Our goal is to not only make sure your child has a healthy smile but to also promote dental education and healthy habits that will set your child up for a lifetime of good dental health. 

How Do I Prevent My Child From Getting Cavities?

How to choose a toothbrush for your child

How Do I prevent my child from getting cavities?

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

Cavity Prevention For Kids

my child has a toothache Salt Lake City Utah

Dental health is an essential aspect of a child’s overall well-being. Cavities are a common issue that many children experience when they are still learning how to properly care for their teeth. Despite their prevalence in children, preventing cavities just takes a little bit of dental education and habit-building.

With some straightforward practices and consistent care, you can set your child up for a lifetime of good oral hygiene. This blog post aims to provide you with a detailed guide on how to prevent your child from getting cavities, touching upon everything from oral hygiene practices to regular dentist visits.

Start Good Oral Hygiene Practices Early

One of the first steps in cavity prevention is instilling good oral hygiene habits from a young age. You can begin by cleaning your child’s gums with a soft cloth or a baby gum brush even before their first tooth appears. 

Once the first teeth start emerging, it’s time to introduce them to a toothbrush. Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a rice-sized amount of fluoride or hydroxyapatite toothpaste. The key is to make brushing a routine, done twice a day, and to also floss any teeth that touch one another.

Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Snacks And Kids Dental Health

What your child eats has a significant impact on their dental health. Foods high in sugar and acidity can contribute to tooth decay. 

To avoid this, steer your child towards a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. These not only provide essential nutrients for growing bodies but also help in maintaining good oral health. 

It can be hard to avoid your child consuming sugary foods. When they do, encourage them to brush their teeth or rinse their mouth with water directly after, especially when they eat foods such as chewy candies that can get stuck in their teeth.

Use Specialized Toothpaste

Fluoride and hydroxyapatite toothpaste are excellent tools for preventing cavities. These toothpastes work by strengthening the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. Consult your pediatric dentist about the most suitable toothpaste for your child’s age and dental needs.

Consider Dental Sealants

Dental sealants act as an additional protective layer, particularly for the back teeth where cavities often first appear. These sealants are thin coatings that are applied to the chewing surfaces, providing long-lasting protection against decay. Most sealants can last for several years and are highly effective in cavity prevention.

Proper Hydration

While we often focus on foods and oral care routines, it’s equally important to emphasize the role of hydration in dental health. Drinking water regularly helps to wash away food particles and bacteria, acting as a natural cleanser. 

Moreover, fluoridated water can contribute to strengthening tooth enamel. So, make it a habit to encourage your child to drink water instead of sugary drinks like soda and fruit juices that can accelerate tooth decay.

Incentivize Good Behavior

Reviews Family Dentist Murray Utah

Let’s face it, kids love rewards. Consider setting up a reward system to incentivize good dental hygiene. Even just a colorful chart where they can place stickers for every day they brush and floss can work wonders. After a set amount of sticker-filled days, perhaps they can choose a small, non-sugary treat or activity they love. This way, you’re making dental care not just a duty but also fun!

Replace Toothbrushes

A toothbrush needs to be replaced periodically to maintain its effectiveness. Frayed or splayed bristles won’t clean teeth as well. A good rule of thumb is to replace your child’s toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if you notice the bristles looking worn out. And if your child has been sick, consider replacing the toothbrush immediately to avoid any potential recontamination.

Be a Role Model

Kids are like sponges, they absorb everything, including your habits. If they see you taking your dental health seriously, they are more likely to mimic that behavior. Make brushing and flossing a family activity. This not only encourages good habits but also provides the perfect opportunity for some quality family time.

Incorporate Dental Education Tools

how to choose the right pediatric dentist

Make learning about dental health an engaging activity. There are several child-friendly apps and books that teach the importance of oral hygiene in a fun, interactive manner. Storytime can become a learning opportunity, showing them why “Mr. Molar” wants to be kept clean! These tools can turn a usually monotonous task into a fun, educational experience, making your child more invested in keeping their teeth healthy.

Regular Visits to the Dentist

Regular check-ups and cleanings with a pediatric dentist are crucial to help prevent cavities and other dental issues. These visits not only help prevent cavities but also allow for early identification and treatment of any other potential dental issues. 

At Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry, your child will also receive dental education on how to properly care for their teeth to avoid cavities.


Ensuring good oral health in your child requires a multi-faceted approach. By combining early oral hygiene practices, a balanced diet, and regular dental check-ups, you can set your child on the path to healthy teeth and gums. 

Remember, a small effort today can prevent significant dental issues tomorrow, so it’s crucial to start these habits early. And, when in doubt, always consult your pediatric dentist for tailored advice suited to your child’s specific needs.

What Should I Do If My Child Has a Toothache?

my child has a toothache Salt Lake City Utah

What Should I Do If My Child Has a Toothache?

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

My Child Has a Toothache, Salt Lake City, UT

If your child is suffering from a toothache, the best thing you can do is take them to see a pediatric dentist. Murray Utah is home to Kalidoscope Kids Kids Dentistry an emergency kids dentist that can help your child get relief from their toothache. Pediatric dentists have the training and experience to safely and effectively treat children’s teeth, and they can provide you with guidance on how to care for your child’s teeth at home. If you are concerned about your child’s toothache, don’t hesitate to contact a pediatric dentist in Murray Utah. We will be able to help your child get the relief they need.

“If you’re looking for a kind, knowledgeable, highly skilled, and compassionate pediatric dentist, Dr. Ari is your guy. I can’t recommend him enough. All around five-star kids dentist.”

How To Soothe A Toothache Until You Can Get To Your Child’s Dentist

At-home solutions for pediatric tooth pain can include using a cold compress on the outside of the child’s cheek, over the area where the tooth is. This will help with swelling and pain. You can also have your child rinse their mouth out with warm water mixed with salt, this will help to clean the area and reduce bacteria. If your child is in severe pain or there is bleeding, you should take them to see an emergency pediatric dentist as soon as possible. Dr. Ari may suggest a filling or cap, especially if it is a permanent tooth that is affected. 

Supporting Your Child Through A Toothache

When your child is suffering from a toothache, it is important to be compassionate and understanding. As the parent of a young child, you know how painful and frightening a toothache can be. Your child may experience significant discomfort and anxiety, so it is crucial that you are sensitive to their needs during this time.

If your child’s toothache becomes more serious, such as due to a cavity or a broken tooth, don’t hesitate to seek out professional care at your Salt Lake Pediatric Dentist. Our team has years of experience working with children and understands the importance of gentle care and compassion when working with pediatric patients. Additionally, if your child is new to dental care or seems apprehensive about seeing the dentist, we can work with them one-on-one to build trust and help make the visit an enjoyable experience.

So if you are looking for high-quality pediatric dentistry services in Salt Lake City, look no further than our skilled team at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry. Schedule an appointment today and let us help your child regain their smile!

Tips For Infant And Toddler Dental Care

Tips For Infant And Toddler Dental Care

Tips For Infant And Toddler Dental Care

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

All About Infant & Toddler Dental Care

Tips For Infant And Toddler Dental Care

Your kids’ teeth are vital to their overall health. As parents and dental professionals, we love to help you instill strong oral hygiene habits with your kids from an early age. Our goal is to assist your child in developing healthy dental habits while preventing cavities. Poor dental hygiene in kids can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental concerns. We have come up with some Tips For Infant And Toddler Dental Care.

Learning how to care for their teeth and gums is the first step toward good oral health.

Oral Care for Infants

Many parents struggle with how soon is too soon to bring your child to the dentist? We recommend bringing your child into our SLC Pediatric Dental office as soon as the first tooth erupts. “Why so early,” you ask? We want to make sure your child establishes a fun experience and a high level of comfort at an early age. Some things you can also do at home with your child to establish positive dental health habits are, to wipe your baby’s gum after feeding. And get them a baby toothbrush. Taking excellent oral health care is vital, but what about baby teeth? Your baby’s teeth are already developing within their jaws at birth. So Dr. Ari advises good dental care before your baby’s first teeth appear.

Kids Dental Care 0-6 Months

Practicing proper children’s oral health care is the first line of protection against probable tooth decay in newborns and children. First, make careful to brush their gums after constantly eating gently. Then, wrap a moistened, soft, clean washcloth around your index finger and gently massage the gum tissues.

Teething typically begins at 4–6 months. If your child has red, puffy gums and excessive salivation, giving your child a cool, damp towel or a clean teething ring will help reduce the discomfort. You may also refrigerate the teething rings to soothe inflamed gums.

Because tooth decay is contagious, never use your mouth to verify the bottle’s temperature, wipe the nipple or pacifier, or exchange utensils (especially spoons). These habits might promote tooth decay in your child.

6 to 12 Months

Salt Lake City UT Dental treatment for your baby’s first teeth typically starts between 6 to 8 months of age. That’s why parents need to care for their baby’s teeth from the first month. Even if the first tooth has erupted, continue washing and massaging your baby’s gums after feeding.  

Beyond that we recommend you limit sugary beverages and provide children with nourishing foods.

Examine your baby’s gums and teeth. Look for little white or brown patches on their teeth, which indicate early dental decay. Call a pediatric dentist near you right away to schedule a child’s dental visit. Baby teeth should be checked within six months after their first birthday. Ask your kids’ dentist about newborn fluoride supplements if your water is not fluoridated.

After Your Child’s First Dental Exam Around 12-18 months

Baby teeth should be brushed twice a day with simple water and keep checking their teeth for potential cavities. Set up a dental appointment for your child at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry to maintain appropriate dental hygiene for your child’s teeth and gums.

18 Months To About The Age Of 5

Teach your toddler the value of oral health. By three years old, pacifiers and thumb-sucking should be gone. In addition, your child’s primary teeth should be fully formed by age 5. Introduce a pea-sized quantity of fluoride toothpaste to your kid and train them to spit it out. Teach your toddler to clean their teeth as their fine motor abilities improve. Be gentle and teach them good brushing techniques. 

Even if they can clean their teeth, continue to check for dental rot.
Take your child to the dentist every six months. Talk to the dentist if your child continues to suck a pacifier or thumb.

Children’s Dental Health Facts for Parents

Our friends over at New Providence Dentistry, the best dentist in New Providence remind us that dental experts continue to promote excellent dental health in youngsters. We’ve gathered helpful facts regarding your kids’ dental health to help keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Around age 6, most kids lose their first tooth

Primary teeth are important for your child’s oral growth and permanent tooth spacing. Primary teeth can sometimes last until the age of 12.

Contact Us Today!

We believe that excellent oral habits start young. So let us help you take care of your children’s oral health. Contact Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry now for the best care.

Bad Foods For Your Child’s Teeth

bad foods for your childs teeth slc pediatric dentist

Bad Food For Your Child's Teeth

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

The Worst Foods For Your Child's Teeth

As a parent, there are so many decisions you must make for your child. When it comes to your child’s dental health, it is so important to ensure optimal oral health techniques from an early age. As follows, our team at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry are parents themselves. We understand how tough it can be to keep your children on a healthy diet. While we know that the occasional sweet treat or junk-food snack is enjoyable (and of course, needed from time to time!) there are smart choices that you can make for your child. Our Pediatric Dentist in Murray Utah wants to educate our patients and their parents about the impact food have on their smile.

Foods to Avoid For a Healthy Smile

Today on the blog, to assist you in avoiding some of the most prevalent cavity-causing offenders, we’ve compiled a list of the worst foods for your child’s teeth. Read our tips from our Kids Dentist in SLC to learn more.


The top rank on this list should come as no surprise! Soda’s high sugar and acid content harm your teeth and health. Sugar feeds bacteria in your mouth, producing more acid, which destroys your enamel. Cavities and discoloration will result as a result of this over time. However, if your child does love a glass of soda from time to time, please make sure they brush and floss afterward.


Foods heavy in carbohydrates (such as pizza, potato chips, white bread, and so on) can also be bad for your teeth. This is because starches are frequently sticky. Thus, they become lodged in the spaces between teeth. If they remain in your mouth, they degrade into simple sugars. This then provides a delightful feast for your oral bacteria and an increased risk of tooth decay!

Sticky Candy

Sugary candies are all terrible for your teeth. Sticky candies, on the other hand (such as caramel, lollipops, sugary gum, jellybeans, and so on) inflict much more harm since they adhere to the surfaces of teeth. This gives a more extended breeding environment for acid-producing bacteria. Therefore, if you consume any sticky candy, rinse your mouth with water afterward. As a result, this helps wash away the sugary residue from your teeth.

“We understand how tough it can be to keep your children on a healthy diet. While we know that the occasional sweet treat or junk-food snack is enjoyable (and of course, needed from time to time!) there are smart choices that you can make for your child.” – Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry


Although juices frequently contain essential vitamins and minerals, most fruit juices are heavy in calories, sugar, and citric acid. Citric acid erodes tooth enamel and can cause cavities. To lessen the harmful effects of the liquid, rinse your mouth with water after drinking it, just like you would with sweets. Our friend Dr. Kacos, the best dentist in Shreveport LA, recommends consuming fruit juice in moderation and swallowing most of your fruit fresh and whole!

Dried Fruit 

Although dried fruit appears to be a healthy snack, its high sugar content and sticky texture raise the risk of cavities. Because dried fruit contains a lower proportion of water and vitamins per serving, fresh fruit is a healthier option that will satisfy your sweet taste.

Join Our No Cavity Club Today

Our experts at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry will do everything possible to avoid cavities with frequent cleanings and examinations. Our Pediatric Dentist Salt Lake is highly qualified to provide your children with high-quality, cutting-edge dental treatment while developing excellent dental habits that they can carry with them at home. We will work hard to instill a passion of brushing and flossing in your child, resulting in better checkups and fewer cavities. Contact us today!

Does My Child Need a Dental Filling?

Does my child need a dental filling?

Does My Child Need a Dental Filling?

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

How to Tell If Your Child Needs a Dental Filling

Did you know that approximately 60% of youngsters in the United States have had at least one cavity by the age of five? Cavities, commonly referred to as dental caries, are small holes in your teeth caused by tooth decay. Cavities are more common in childhood, but the ability to develop them follows us into adulthood. If you’ve been wondering “does my child need a dental filling?” you’ve come to the right place. Below, our pediatric dentist in Murray Utah answers that question. 

Children’s Tooth Fillings

Our pediatric dentist in SLC will examine your child’s tooth and assist you in determining which procedure is best for your child. For youngsters with minor cavities, we usually recommend tooth fillings. A filling is a typical, safe dental operation that will heal your child’s tooth and prevent additional decay.

Our kids dentist near me provides two fillings: silver (amalgam) and white (composite) fillings. Both work well to restore teeth, but if your child’s cavity is in a permanent tooth or one that can be seen when they grin or laugh, you may prefer to use a white filling. White fillings blend in with the color of your child’s teeth, so no one will notice they have a filling.

Do Baby Teeth Require Fillings?

Why treat a cavity in a non-permanent tooth if your child’s baby tooth will fall out eventually? It’s a valid question. There is, however, a solid reason to fill in decayed infant teeth: The longer early childhood cavities go untreated, the more difficult it is to treat them.

Our friends over at High Desert Dental, a family dentist in Grand Junction, explain that untreated childhood cavities can develop into more serious oral health issues requiring more complicated (and more expensive) dental operations. Cavity pain can also impact your child’s health and development, creating problems with eating and speaking. Furthermore, baby teeth hold room in your child’s jaw for adult teeth; rotting baby teeth can alter how your child’s permanent teeth emerge.

As you can see, fillings are required for pediatric cavities, even if they are in baby teeth. Silver fillings, fortunately, perform just as well as white fillings, but they are less expensive and easier to place. In addition, because your child’s baby tooth isn’t permanent, a silver filling is a low-cost option for preventing tooth decay.

Pediatric Dental Crowns

Our pediatric dentist in Salt Lake City explains that a dental crown may be the best option if your child has a huge cavity or a fractured tooth.

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that fit over your child’s natural tooth to restore its strength and functionality. Crowns are often used to strengthen permanent teeth, though a baby tooth may require one in rare conditions.

We have both stainless steel and white dental crowns available. White crowns, like fillings, are an excellent choice for permanent and visible teeth since they match your child’s tooth enamel.

Keep Your Child’s Smile Safe

Our Murray Utah pediatric dentist is here to help whether your child requires a tooth filling or a dental crown. Contact Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry today to schedule an appointment. 

Cavity Prevention Tips

Smiling child receiving pediatric dental care in Holiday, UT

Cavity Prevention Tips

kids dentist murray utah

Kids Dentist, Dr. Ari Hobfoll

Cavity prevention tips from our pediatric dentist in slc

Every day, we see parents who are astounded to hear that their child has a cavity. After all, their youngster brushes and flosses his or her teeth every day. Despite brushing and flossing on a regular basis, some children develop cavities.  Unfortunately, brushing and flossing aren’t always enough to keep cavities at bay. Thus, understanding what causes tooth decay is the first step toward cavity prevention. Below, our pediatric dentist Murray Utah shares cavity prevention tips. 

The Cause of Cavities

Tooth decay is caused by a variety of circumstances. First, Dr. Hobfoll, the best pediatric dentist in Salt Lake City, shares that bacteria play a significant impact.  When bacteria colonies go unchecked, they develop plaque, a white sticky coating made up of millions of germs. Plaque begins to coat the teeth more and more when brushing is neglected or not done correctly. When these bacteria are allowed to grow unchecked for an extended period of time, they create acids that destroy tooth enamel. This is why it’s essential to visit your kids dentist near me. 

Cavity Prevention Advice From Our Pediatric Dentist

Fortunately for you and your child, there are simple behaviors you may acquire to reduce the likelihood of them developing a cavity. Below, our pediatric dentist SLC shares cavity prevention tips. 

Increase Water Intake

Food particles are washed away by water. It also keeps the lips moist and the pH adjusted. Sugary drinks, such as soda and sports drinks, should be avoided. Juices should also be avoided! As follows, juices are high in sugar, and some juices, such as orange juice, are also high in acidity. Thus, the nasty bacteria in your child’s mouth are fed by a combination of sugar and acid.

Choose Non-Starchy Foods

Sugar gets a lot of flak for creating cavities, but starchy snacks are just as dangerous. Little crackers and pretzels are two examples of starchy snacks. Starchy meals adhere to your teeth and make them gummy for hours. The same may be said for any sticky snack, such as fruit-shaped gummy candies and raisins. Foods that attach to teeth remain in the mouth for a long time, feeding germs. Avoid them, especially if your child will be unable to brush his or her teeth for an extended period of time.

Brush As Soon As First Tooth Erupts

Brushing should begin as soon as the first tooth appears. It is not required to use fluoride at this age. A pea-sized dab of fluoride-containing toothpaste is acceptable for youngsters aged 3 to 6 years and those who can spit out toothpaste.

“Brushing should begin as soon as the first tooth appears. With your young baby or infant, a washcloth or teething toothbrush can be used until they age. ” – Dr. Ari Hobfoll

Look Into Dental Sealants

Deep grooves on molars, in particular, might be difficult to reach and brush well. Our friends at High Desert Dental, Grand Junction dentist, explain that you may ask your child’s dentist to apply sealants to your child’s teeth. Thus, this provides an extra layer of protection against cavities until their enamel fully develops.

See Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry For A Cleaning Twice a Year

Importantly, tartar can be removed with regular professional cleanings. Furthermore, your pediatric dentist near me can use fluoride treatments to assist your child’s teeth to strengthen as they grow.  Finally, your dentist will be able to detect decay in its early stages. As follows, early intervention alleviates discomfort. Additionally, it prevents more costly dental repairs in the future. Contact Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry today to schedule your child’s next appointment. We can’t wait to meet you!